Tuesday, June 9, 2009

success, the movie!

here it is. you may want to fast forward through the episode of empty nest that was accidentally recorded over the middle of the video.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

"f" for fake

wow, youtube has the whole movie. enjoy.

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

part 6

part 7

part 8

part 9

Monday, May 18, 2009

bad photoshop=good photoshop

when i was in high school in the mid 90s, the artwork for cds released through master p's no limit records (mostly the work of pen & pixel) was considered the nadir of graphic design and was the butt of many a joke. photoshop was still a relatively new phenomenon then, and those covers exemplified just how bad things could get with the medium. fast forward to today. what a difference a decade or so can make. now this kind of artwork has cult appeal, having been mocked to the point of being revered. the waylon group logo (see top of page) pays obvious tribute to this work.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

see you at bilderberg '09?

i'm in athens hobnobbing this week. for the rest of you, here is a wikipedia entry and some humorous reportage, courtesy charlie skelton and the guardian. gotta split now. i'm off to play some beach volleyball with henry kissinger and a bunch of bikini girls. see you all later!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


wow! this project is taking on a life of its own. a google alert brought this very angry blog to my attention, from which the above image is taken.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

head transplants

i could barely use photoshop before this project began. i still have no idea what most of the tools do. i will say that starting with good photos helps A LOT.



in this case, you can kill two big birds with one stone.



+ (i realized here that i was gonna have to do a hand transplant too.)




it still didn't feel right. a three piece like that demands a 'stache.




oh rummy



or this one. i'm not sure which version is better.



here's a helpful blog about photoshop that i like to look at. enjoy!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

your business card is meat!

i still can't tell if this is a joke. thanks to ona for bringing this and the previous post to my attention.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

your business card is crap!

your business card is crap!

Friday, April 17, 2009

driving under the influences

edward tufte is a "pioneer" in the field of information design. he teaches at yale. i've owned and enjoyed a copy of his pamphlet "the cognitive style of powerpoint" for a while, but i didn't really know anything about him until i came across his book, visual explanations: images and quantities, evidence and narrative. it's a treat for the eyes, as tufte compiles all sorts of charts, graphs, and maps from history to help illustrate his points.

attending a neil hamburger performance last september was a revelation. not because of neil (though i think he does fantastic work), but because of the opening act, pleaseeasaur. you can read more about the show i went to here (scroll down to the bottom to listen to pleaseeasaur's "business incorporated.") as a musician, comedy fan, and aspiring educator, i have always felt inclined to incorporate performance into my artwork. watching pleaseeasaur definitely gave me a shot of confidence. it takes a lot of guts to get up in front of people and make a fool of yourself.

bruce mccall has long been an inspiration to me. he has a tremendous gift for lampooning modern life. his out of print book zany afternoons, is one of my most treasured possesions. i feel that no matter what i'm working on, there is always a candle burning for bruce.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


there are four components to this project:

-a semi-legitimate looking website at thewaylongroup.com

-a semi-legitimate looking office

-some power-point performances

-a short corporate video

these four things should keep me busy in the following ways:

-coming up with logos for my business and it's associated companies/charity organization.

-generating content for the powerpoint performances and website.

-finding and making props for the office and the video.

-making the video

by week five i hope to have the office set up, another powerpoint ready to go, and an outline for the video.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

money, money, everywhere, and all the banks did shrink; money, money, everywhere, nor any coins to clink.

jean baudrillard on debt:
when a debt becomes too cumbersome, then, it is banished to a virtual space where it resembles a deep-frozen catastrophe in orbit. debt becomes a satellite of earth, just like war, and just like billions of dollars' worth of floating capital now conglomerated into a satellite tirelessly circling us. and surely this is for the best. just so long as such satellites keep circulating--and even if they explode out in space--the world is not affected by them, which is the best possible outcome. for the suggestion that the imaginary economy and the real one might one day be reconciled is a utopian one: those billions of floating dollars are untranslatable into real economic terms--and that is just as well, because if,
per mirabile, they could be reinjected into productive economies, the result, for once, would be a true catastrophe.

h.l. mencken on money:
the chief value of money lies in the fact that one lives in a world in which it is overestimated.